Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Me Freakin' out....naw

This semester started with freaking out, escalated freaking out, and then calming a little. So I begin this semester with the usual go to school for the first day, find out what is expected of me, and then continue on with no changes. Well, I registered for a class that was going to discuss the legend of King Arthur and whether he was real or not. Thanks to my high school English teacher I'm absolutely obsessed with King Arthur and the whole wife having an affair thing. Well I squeaked in the class by being the last on to sign up and then getting all excited about the class. Big huge flags should have went off in my head when he class was EN 477. No significance with the number but it is a higher level 400 level class. So, I go to class on the first day, not to mention it was at 8:00 bright and early for a college student especially that hasn't taken an 8:00 since freshmen year, and I walk in to hear classmates talk about how hard of a teacher that our teacher is. Seeing as they were talking about a she and the teacher's name in my schedule had somewhat of a man sounding name I paid no attention. So, the teacher comes in, being all female and all, and she starts going over the syllabus. The first huge red flag that went off in my head was when she said that our only long research paper needed to be good enough to be published. HOLY CRAP!! That second red flag was not being exactly sure what things were due and when. That is a good thing to know with it being a class and all. So I went home after my classes were over, freaked out more, and cried. After thinking about it for a little while I convinced myself everything was going to be okay I decided everything was good. Well, Martin Luthur King Day came and went and the morning of my second class came. I never came to class. I skipped both classes that day and stayed in bed. Usually when I do that I really don't want to face what is coming in the day ahead of me. My mom made her usual call and asked how my day went and I said pretty good considering I stayed home. Then she said If your worried about the class drop it. Believe me that crossed my mind the minute I left that class so I went to the computer lab to see if any classes were open. I didn't want to do anything drastic so I didn't. The next day, I went back to the computer lab, dropped that class like a ton of bricks, and signed up for a poetry class. I had never dropped a class before and knew I would be behind and when I worry about things the world is about to end so I worried until I finally was able to go to the poetry class and realized the teacher is cool and everything is good.