Friday, October 14, 2005

A kind of normal day

Today was the regular old go to class day. I went to Spanish this morning and then went to work afterwords.Next Friday in Spanish we have to do an oral interview with our teacher. That aught to be really interesting seeing as I am awful at Spanish. So I have to work on studying that and also I have to be wraping up my Enlish paper that is due the week after next. I haven't even written my rough draft yet. Not a good thing. But I am going to work on this weekend hopfully and get very close to finishing and proofreading.
Work was very interesting today. Sometimes in a Sample there is too many bugs in it so I have to split the sample. The way to split a sample is to put the sample in this plastic thing. It is hard to describe, but anyway, you have to spin it back and forth a little bit so the sample will split. At the top of this big cylinder plastic thing is two holes that the now two 1/2 half sample comes out of when they are split. Well I got a little to happy with spining this thing so water and some of the sample, not all, came out. For at least 20 to 25 minutes I was soaking up the water with crappy towels that the lab has. Most of the sample was still in the splitter so it wasn't a complete loss thankfully.